Thursday, February 5, 2009

Geologist joke

From my Engineering Geology Professor: Prof. Rockwell

A group of Geologists and a group of engineers are boarding a train. The engineers have each bought their tickets, and notice that the group of geologists only bought one ticket! The engineers think they will have a good laugh once the ticket taker comes by.

When the geologists see the ticket taker they hurry and jam themselves into one of the bathrooms. The ticket guy sees that the stall is occupied, knocks on the door, and says "ticket please!" The geologists slip their one ticket under the door. The engineers thought that was a great trick.

On the way back home, the engineers buy their one ticket, but notice the geologists didn't buy a single ticket! Now how do they expect to not get kicked off the train?

The ticket guy comes by again and the engineers pile into one bathroom. The geologists pile into the other bathroom, but one geologist stays behind. This geologist walks up to the engineer's bathroom, knocks, and says "ticket please!"

The moral of the story: Engineers like to use geologist's techniques, but they don't always know how they are going to turn out.

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