Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I just read this: http://thewomenscolony.com/family-room/2009/4/19/feather-by-elizabeth-segrist.html over at the Colony and decided I had better come clean about a family pet situation of my own.

These pets:

We had them when we were living at Nana's. Remember, I was only six or so at the time. I think Lauren really wanted a dog, but mom got us each a fish instead. Mine was smaller and had more black on it. Lauren's was bigger and orange, it was also slow. I really wanted to have a pet I could PET, right? So... I tried to take my fish out to pet it. Now, I knew this was wrong and it couldn't breathe, but I vowed it would only be just this once. And I would only take it out and pet it a few seconds, then I would dump it back in...

Well, I stuck my hand into that fish bowl and tried to catch my small, dark, very fast little fish. And couldn't catch him. Lauren's fish, however, was large, bright, and slow... I proceeded to cuddle him a little, and drop him back in. For about three weeks. I even *dare I say it* BRUSHED the poor fellow with a comb. Which pretty much consisted of me setting the fish on the comb and dumping him back in. Now that I think about it, it was probably Nana's HAIR comb... I really hope you are laughing and not having some other reaction...

Anyway, I don't know if you remember how this story ended. Lauren's fish came to a comparatively speedy demise. I know it is mostly my fault, but he didn't die in my arms, he died while I was out. I even tried petting my fish after Lauren's was gone, but he was too darn fast to catch and lived an annoyingly long fish life.

And that is that. Lauren, I am sorry for killing your fish. Whew. Glad to get that one off my chest.


  1. you are one weird kid! Nana's comb? the old one with the missing teeth??? oh man

  2. Hahahaha--- you were so weird! and the older you get, the more weird stuff we find out about-- haha, you crack me up!
    PS I never liked fish. If I remember correctly, I didn't really care when he died ?

  3. I think no one but me cared when he died. lol We just aren't a fish family. Did I mention, I probably didn't wash the comb after "using" it?
