Monday, April 27, 2009

What I did today...

I think I am going to start a new on going post about the events that happened in my day...

I woke up an hour early to get to school to print a paper. Yes, I have a printer, but my computer was broken. Yes, I tried to set it up to my laptop, but it is so old, it is only compatible with XP. Anyway, I tried one last time to start it up, and YAY! It did! So I had an extra hour of this:

It was a nice surprise.

So, when I did head out to school, I sat through another lecture about this:

And then another lecture about this:

Then back to geobio AKA Paleontology for some of this:

And This:

And picking out this:

It was excruciating. Hours and hours of picking shells out of sand. Microscopic shells. And THEN we had to look through some thick textbooks to identify all the taxons we just found. And guess which detail oriented, good with small things person was really good at it? Me. Its a bad thing, trust me. I had to stay on the scope for, well, I started at one and ended at five. Four hours of diatoms and forams is painful.

Well, I went home. And made something like this:

And now I am getting ready for this:

Goodnight everyone!

Well that isn't very nice...


  1. haha, i like the animal pics to go along-- funny.
    and yep, you are good at details. id wished you were here when i made :::shudder::: my cake pops. I still have some in the freezer and i need to toss them because even the thought makes me want. to. vomit. again.
