Sunday, March 15, 2009

My friend Jim.

Jim and I have a love hate relationship. I hate having to take time out of my day to spend with Jim, and I love losing weight. I also hate how I feel immediately after seeing Jim, but love how I feel after a few months. Yes, Jim is THE Jim. Russell and I have been trying to go at least three times a week. He has been hanging out with Jim since January and has lost eleven pounds already! I have been going for two weeks and have gained a pound. The horrors.

Another thing I hate about the gym is the people. Why do you feel the need to wear booty shorts/tanktops/not-even-in-your-dreams-is-that-really-a-tanktop/where is the other half of your outfit?/did you forget a shirt, or do you always work out in a bra? I mean, if you are trying to get stares from guys, you don't need to dress up. Trust me. I waddle my oversized t-shirted butt over to the rowing machine and every eye is on me.

And that's ANOTHER thing, why is the gym so gender sectinalized? The gym at SDSU has two weight rooms. One is sarcastically called the men's weight room (because the second you walk in, you notice everyone is always a dude) and the other is the mixed weight room, because only most of the people are dudes. And only certain machines are ever used by chicks. Why can't we use any machine we want? Oh yeah, the stares. Doesn't matter what you are wearing, ladies, you will get stared at at the gym.
Well I defy those stares and use whatever machines I want to use. I even had a guy stand next to me waiting to use an arm one, staring at me like, "Little girl, why are you using MY machine? Give up and go to the thigh machines like a good girl." No thanks. I continued to do three more sets until I was done. Then I watched him adjust the weight from a 2 to a 20 and sighed as he pulled the poundage with ease. I was struggling with 2! Gotta work on those arms...

So readers, do you know my friend gym? What do you hate/love about him?

1 comment:

  1. LOL. That was hilarious... And so true!!
    I hate working out with people around. One of the main reasons I don't go.
    Also, I don't like the wake up early enough to do it in the morning, can't do it too late or i don't sleep, and dont really want to work out at lunch and then have to re-shower again to finish the day.
    but i should.
